New Video Pyrometer CSvideo 3M from Optris

Temperature measurements with pyrometers have the enormous advantage that no contact with the measured object is necessary. This also poses a challenge at the same time: The pyrometer must be perfectly aligned with the measured object and, if necessary, the optics must be focused. This challenge can be met optimally with the new Video Pyrometer CSvideo 3M from Optris.

Fever Inspection of Passengers

The coronavirus and other diseases are highly dangerous and transferred by sick people or contaminated objects. In our global world airplanes are one way to export this virus all over the world. China for instance has more than 200 airports so it’s an import international challenge to prevent sick people flying. For this purpose you can use Optris’s fever inspection system.

Reliable Temperature Measurement in Metallurgy from 250 °C

In metallurgy, a high emission of dust, vapors and similar problematic elements which negatively affect contactless temperature measurement often cannot be avoided. In order to ensure a reliable temperature measurement of melts or metallic surfaces even under these adverse conditions, Optris has developed a new ratio pyrometer.